But you, when you pray, enter your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret. and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:6


About This Blog

My name is David Mohr. I am married to a very loving wife, and we have 3 wonderful children. As a retired veteran, volunteer youth pastor and auto mechanics club leader, I feel God leading me to also write this blog. Not only to share my story and words of encouragement, but also how we can practically apply God’s Word (our spiritual sword) to our life. A way of combating the enemy on the battlefield for our mind. 

The enemy comes daily to steel, kill and destroy (1 Peter 5:8). It is important for us to come confidently to God’s Throne Room of Grace (Hebrews 4:16). But in a very busy world, it can be hard to find that time. That is why I have named the blog “Throne Room Readings”. My bathroom has become my quite place with God. It used to not always be that way; it was a place of dishonor. About 2 years ago when the Lord saved my soul, He also redeemed my bathroom time as well. It has been made into a place I can reach out to God in time of need and for reading His Word in a quiet place. Since then, I have tacked bible verses on the walls and converted it into my prayer room (Matthew 6:6). I hope and pray that everyone has or finds a quiet place where they can daily invest time with God. This is crucial for spiritual warfare and for just growing in the Lord. 

I pray for God’s peace, love, strength and mercy to abound in all who call upon His name!

My bathroom wall of scripture, prayers and words of encouragement.